Discover the formula that takes you from a life of chronic back pain to a life of freedom and control!
Hi, I'm William Richards -online Fitness Coach and creator of Fitness 4 Back Pain. I have taken my years in the fitness industry and my personal journey through back pain & created a formula that is getting people REAL results.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Sitting in one of the top spine specialists office in the area staring at the walls wondering what he was going to say about my MRI results.
See, I had been dealing with progressively worsening chronic lower back pain for the past couple of years and nothing I tried was helping.
I exercised 3-4 days a week, ate healthy and felt like I was in the best shape of my life (despite my growing tolerance to over the counter pain medications)
Exercise started to become one of my worst pain triggers. And I got scared. I stopped working out for fear of doing more damage.
So I did what anyone else would do. I turned to doctors.
I will never forget that day the doctor walked into that stale patient room and slung my MRI results up on the LIVE screen.
He said "Son, I hate to break it to you but you have a ruptured L5-S1 disc with signs of degeneration."
In that moment, my heart sank and the thoughts jumbled around in my head. "What does that even mean?!"
As I tried to contain my fear, I remember the doctor mumbling a bunch of words but what struck a cord so deep was him saying things are going to be different for you now. Your work outs will have to change and a life of pain management and a fusion are in your future.
There I was sitting on a bedside table, 21, healthy and finding out I had a ruptured disc and a life of shots and going under the knife were my only options.
There was no pep talk, no encouragement, not even an I'm sorry kid. Nothing. Just cold answers with no REAL promise of being pain free or "normal" life again.
That day I dove head first into the long black hole of specialist. After multiple appointments per week, thousands of dollars out of pocket, and way too many over the counter anti-inflammatories I found my self staring down the barrel of a loose cannon. It had all FAILED.
I had hit ROCK BOTTOM in my Back Pain journey and it had wrecked havoc on every single aspect of my life. I felt hopeless and doomed to a life of pain management where there was no way out.
-I wondered if I would ever work out again without pain.
-I feared I would never be able to get out of bed without barely being able to move let alone walk.
-I was scared to death that I would NEVER be able to play with my kids or toss them in the air and be the father I had always dreamed of.
AFTER MONTHS of Debilitating pain, an addiction to over the counter anti-inflammatories, and failed therapy strategies - I DECIDED I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE and that was when EVERYTHING changed for me. I set out to DO SOMETHING more.
I remember praying "God help me not become another statistic lying on an operating table or addicted to pain meds."
Those words rang deep within my soul and that day it all changed for me I set out to find the cure for my back pain and get my life back!
But you can be FREE from chronic pain because pain is in direct relation to your mind. Pain is first created in the mind and then signals the body of the problem.
We run into bigger problems when we just "simply" treat the pain rather than correct the problem.
It’s not your fault that you keep trying these stretches, poses, creams and braces that don’t work.
It is what "they" are trained to do - treat the symptoms but not address the problem with a REAL solution that actually works.
There is a ton of BAD information out there luring you into the next hot product or drug that will finally be your answer to getting relief. These are more like a mirage. You may see it and want it and be enticed to buy it but the real lasting results will not come from just covering it up with something NEW and shiny.
I think better words are "Lasting Relief" from your chronic pain.
No more of those quick, shiny fixes, it's time for some REAL results and getting back to the person you once knew.
Getting relief from your chronic back pain is VERY possible and in fact, over the past several years or so I've created a formula that has allowed me to find relief and get back to doing the things I was born to do. I no longer have to pep talk myself out of bed in the morning or say no to tossing my daughter high up in the air. I no longer have to throw back pain pills after a workout and pray my back doesn't flare up.
And the best part?
Now I am teaching others to do the exact same! They are finding relief from their chronic back pain and getting back to life again.
If you had asked me several years back at age 21 sitting on that table waiting for that doctor if I was interested in taking the holistic route to finding relief for my chronic back pain I would have looked at you crazy and asked a ton of questions like:
1. How? If the doctors say my only options are pain pills and surgery how can anything "natural' actually work? What kind of crunchy stuff are you feeding me?
2. Why? Why would I even try if the doctors say this is the only way? Why would what you are saying give me results?
3. What? What kind of gimmick are you trying to sell me into? If it's so good why aren't the doctors telling me about it?
He wanted relief but didn't know yet where to start or how to make it happen.
He thought the doctors knew it all or at least should know it all and if there was more then they should be telling him.
Can you relate?
I needed to do something different because the other options weren't working. I needed something that actually worked. That actually gave me lasting relief.
And through a lot of trial and error I figured it out.
You just need a strategic plan of action and a program that can give you the very tools you need to finally get FREEDOM from your pain.
I want to help you do just that.
So I took decade's worth of knowledge, frustration, pain, experience and whittled it all down into a simple, repeatable formula.
Discover exactly what you need to focus on to utilize exercise, movement and mindfullness to beat chronic back pain. No matter how long you have been suffering or what your previous history looks like.
Completely erase your fear of movement, re-injury and potential flair-ups. (Simple strategies and roadmaps to get you back to enjoying life and the things you love to do.)​
Learn to optimize your life and training habits to promote healing and to desensitize your chronic back painÂ
There is a right and a wrong way to exercise with chronic back pain or post surgery. We cover exactly how you should apply it to your life.
Things like healthy hips, shoulders, legs and a strong core are critical to healing chronic back pain and exercising pain-free after a major surgery. We walk you step-by-step from addressing some of the major issues in these areas.
It is critical that you learn and remove the driving force behind what I call you "Pain Cycle". This is what you do every single day without even knowing it that keeps you on the vicious cycle of pain you're on.
If you fail to address the truth about pain and truly understanding its source you will chase dead end treatments for the rest of your life.
While you work towards your relief, we cover fast acting and powerful ways to reduce immediate sensitivity that don't involve pain medications, heating pads or ice packs.
With those 5 components in place and optimized, all you have to do is focus on the program and follow it step by step to get the results! It's that simple.
If you will commit to the program and follow the formula you will find freedom from your chronic back pain.
You don't need MORE exercise.
You need the RIGHT exercise.
Phase two covers the exact programming you need to go from zero confidence and fear of exercise to pain-free training that builds confidence in your mind, body and spine.
This Phase gently introduces you to monthly workouts that are sure to keep your back strong, your technique correct, and your back free from chronic pain.
These exercise programs are DONE FOR YOU and require zero work on your end to put together.
With access to me, my programming and coaching community you have everything you need to beat your chronic low back pain and live the life you always wanted.
"I have to highlight that William's teachings and access to his coaching plus the availability of what feels like endless great information and thinking is without doubt more than worth the price. I haven't seen anything like this. The personal feel and the private group are something I can grow in. "
I am going to show you step by step how to create the perfect workout to both build strength safely and get our of pain. No more working AROUND your back pain. It's time to train to get OUT of pain for good!
This entire module is gives you battle tested strategies for getting instant relief from your chronic pain. No stretching or ice packs needed. These are proven strategies you can use to start getting relief right away while you work towards unpacking your own long-term relief strategies inside this course.
This teaching alone has changed 95% of the way my clients view their pain and how they need to respond through exercise. I am going to show you exactly how you need to address pain and exercises. When to move forward and when to pull back. This one thing could be responsible for all of your suffering and failed attempts at exercise.
Stretching is over prescribed and over used in the back pain industry. Rest assured that you wont be doing pointless aggravating stretches THAT DON'T WORK!
Yet another amazing resource that is constantly growing. No more google searching demonstrations for exercise. use these exercises as a quick reference or build your own program.
If I was working with you one on one in my own home studio I would be charging $75 an hour. I would see you for one hour a day Monday-Friday (not including any after hours or weekend time). The amount of time it would take for us to work through this content at that pace would be an entire 12 months! That is $18,000 over a years worth of working with me. I give you all of this content and access to me for less then a quarter of that price.
One time payment for 6 month access
Access to all Relief Academy Lessons + bonuses for 6 Months.
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Access to all Relief Academy Lessons + Bonuses for 12 Months
One time payment for lifetime access
Access to all Relief Academy Lessons + Bonuses for Life.
FREE Copy of Core Essentials (14 week Core Development and Coordination course)
"“The day I contacted William, I just got back from seeing a Dr. In NYC .I spent $600 just to have him review my images and read my reports. He then diagnosed me with having to need a 2 level fusion. Do yourself a favor and watch a video on spinal fusions, no thank you. The recovery is forever and your never yourself after. We made all types of changes. From the shoes I wore to the way I sleep to the way I bend and the way I stood. I would watch his videos at least 10 times each to embed it in my brain until it felt correct. I would email him specific details on what I was feeling and he would either correct me or knock time off the exercise. This was no race and I'm a very impatient person. Now I wake up pain free literally I feel amazing. When I bend I feel more stable. Not 100% but its way better. It's a very slow process but once the inflammation is gone, then you're on the road to recovery and success” "
Yes, once you have been cleared by your physician to exercise it is critical that you start off on the right foot doing exercises and relief strategies that are SAFE for you and your body. My "Pain-Free" strategy takes into consideration all different levels of fitness and recovery. Each and every exercise and tool used in this program CAN and WILL be modified to fit you and your specific needs.
Yes, the strategies and exercises used in this program can be used at home or in your local gym. 90% of basic home gyms have more than enough equipment and basic tools to get results.Â
No, this program is designed to take you from having zero knowledge of what and how to do anything to having an advanced understanding the strategic steps and exercises you need to do.
Everyone has a different journey and story. Some students come in for safer more pain-free workout routines that see results within a matter of weeks after making a few changes to their program. Others who come in for long-term relief strategies see changes within 1-3 months. This always comes down to the amount of change you make in your life. the effort you put forward and your trust and commitment to the process.
When I was training clients one on one I was charging $500/ a month for coaching.
I was able to cut that back to $350/month when I started working with people online.
I was still limited because I was only able to take on 2-3 clients at a time. I needed an even better strategy to deliver everything these clients needed to see success (as affordable as possible).
Click the button below to pick the best option for you!
One time payment for 6 month access
Access to all Relief Academy Lessons + bonuses for 6 Months.
One time payment for 12 month access
Access to all Relief Academy Lessons + Bonuses for 12 Months
One time payment for lifetime access
Access to all Relief Academy Lessons + Bonuses for Life.
FREE Copy of Core Essentials (14 week Core Development and Coordination course)
I’ve packed a lot into the Relief Academy because not only do I want you to get lasting freedom from your chronic pain but I want you to be able to exercise pain-free and live the active life you dream of.
On top of that I want to make sure I can guarantee you results.
And to make it a no-brainer deal for you I’m giving you a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of Relief Academy today.
That’s right: Go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work, and if you don’t love it in the first 30 days of your purchase, send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.
If Relief Academy doesn’t work for you, I’d much prefer for you to take your money and invest it where you will be happier and get results.
P.S. Don’t forget that when you join the Relief Academy you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 30 days to watch the course, implement the strategies I cover and take action on all that you learned and THEN decide if it’s right for you.
P.P.S. Trust me when I say, when you have lived with chronic back pain for any period of time you forget what life was like with more predictable control over your pain.
I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something that might fail. I was a few hours away from my first round of Cortisone shots and scheduled second opinion on surgery.
I can't imagine what life would have been like if I would have kept that appointment.
Where will you be 60 days from now if you don't choose to invest in yourself? You will still be in pain, taking medication to dull the pain, stretching and doing exercises that will only make your pain worse.
Make the leap and invest in yourself. Remember, there is absolutely NO RISK to you.
See you on the inside...
William Richards
50% Complete
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