EP 2: How To Make Back Pain Relief Stupid Simple

Let's make lasting back pain relief STUPID SIMPLE.

Episode 2 of the Fitness 4 Back Pain podcast is going to cover the 3 most important elements of making lasting back pain relief ridiculously simple.

Social media, doctors, and articles all over the internet tend to cause more confusion than relief when it comes to knowing what to do about your pain.

For almost a decade, I have been fine-tuning the simplest and most repeatable process to get to the root cause of your pain and putting yourself on the fast track.

Today's episode is going to pull back the curtains on the most important things you should be focusing on!


FREE DOWNLOAD ►► Pain-Free Training Blueprint: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today = http://www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

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FREE CHALLENGE ►► NEW 14-Day Core Strength Challenge. Build a stronger core and more stability around your spine without making your pain worse in the process! http://www.fitness4backpain.com/corechallenge

APPLY TO WORK WITH ME ☎️ https://fitness4backpain.com/apply

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