EP 3: Piriformis Syndrome: What is it and how to beat it without making it worse!

Piriformis Syndrome has always been a hot topic regarding lower back pain and a potential cause of sciatica-type symptoms. In some cases, when doctors don't know what's going on, and there doesn't seem to be any structural damage, they will throw the Piriformis Syndrome diagnosis out there to make sense of what's happening.

Episode 3 of the Fitness 4 Back Pain Podcast is PACKED with so many nuggets on pain relief and Piriformis Syndrome you'll want to listen all the way through.

I had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Charlie Johnson, one of the top (In my opinion) educators, on the topic of low back pain and the mind-body connection, and today's topic is all things Piriformis Syndrome.

In this episode, we cover topics such as:

==> The truth about Piriformis Syndrome doctors aren't telling you.

==> The BEST and WORST response to Piriformis syndrome you could have. ==> The BEST action plan for addressing Piriformis Syndrome without worsening it. ==> To STRETCH or STRENGTHEN your painful Piriformis! All of this and so much more in this week's episode!

If you want to hear more from Dr. Charlie, check out everything he offers below! 

1. Grab a free copy of his Better Than An MRI DIY Diagnostic Guide

2. Register for his free online workshop Beat Butt Pain: The 4 Simple Secrets That Skyrocket Your Chances For Relief And Unlock Natural Healing Without Pills, Shots, Surgery, Or Needing Others To “Fix You” 

3. Apply to work with him!  

4. Follow him on YouTube | Facebook | Instagram


FREE DOWNLOAD ►► Pain-Free Training Blueprint: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today = http://www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

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FREE CHALLENGE ►► NEW 14-Day Core Strength Challenge. Build a stronger core and more stability around your spine without making your pain worse in the process! http://www.fitness4backpain.com/corechallenge

APPLY TO WORK WITH ME ☎️ https://fitness4backpain.com/apply

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