EP 6: 4 Ways To Improve Your Workouts And Beat Back Pain


Here's why your back always hurts after your workouts! 

►► FREE GUIDE: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today == www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

It's one thing to deal with nagging low back pain after going a little too heavy at the gym, but what do you do if you leave the gym feeling fine but 24-48 hours later, your back is killing you? 

You're left frustrated, not really knowing what exercise you should be staying away from or whether you should be exercising at all since the pain keeps coming back.

In today's video, I'll share with you 4 ways to get to the bottom of why your workouts are causing so much back pain to begin with and what you can do RIGHT NOW to see a big change in how your low back feels after working out!


FREE BACK PAIN WORKOUT GUIDE ►► Pain-Free Training Blueprint: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today = http://www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

FREE CHALLENGE ►► NEW 14-Day Core Strength Challenge. Build a stronger core and more stability around your spine without making your pain worse in the process! http://www.fitness4backpain.com/corechallenge

FREE FACEBOOK GROUP ►► Exercise For Back Pain Relief Community  https://www.facebook.com/groups/exerciseforbackpain

APPLY TO WORK WITH ME ☎️ https://fitness4backpain.com/apply

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