EP 8: The Worst Exercises You Can Do With Back Pain

You may be in the gym lifting weights with good intentions of building a stronger, more resilient body, but if you're constantly leaving the gym in pain or paying for it later, you're just making things worse.

►► FREE GUIDE: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today == www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

There are a lot of factors to look at when it comes to persistent back pain and exercise, but one tiny yet very significant area you can start with is your exercise choice. So, in episode 8 of the Fitness 4 Back Pain Podcast, I will give you 3 exercises to stay clear of, as well as 2 bonus relief tips you can implement right now that will leave your lower back feeling amazing!


FREE BACK PAIN WORKOUT GUIDE ►► Pain-Free Training Blueprint: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today = http://www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

FREE CHALLENGE ►► NEW 14-Day Core Strength Challenge. Build a stronger core and more stability around your spine without making your pain worse in the process! http://www.fitness4backpain.com/corechallenge

FREE FACEBOOK GROUP ►► Exercise For Back Pain Relief Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/exerciseforbackpain

APPLY TO WORK WITH ME ☎️ https://fitness4backpain.com/apply

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