Episode 15: Fix your Tight Low Back FOR GOOD

If you get pain or tightness on one side of the lower back that either feels stuck or floats from side to side, this video is for you!

►► FREE GUIDE: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today == www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

Tight, stiff, or achy lower back muscles are common symptoms people tend to deal with when it comes to chronic lower back pain.

The QL is often looked at as the culprit, and mindless stretching is usually suggested, but that's actually the worst thing you could do if CHRONIC tightness is what you've been dealing with.

In today's video, I will explain the 3 best exercises you can use to beat your lower back tightness and QL pain.

In this week's video, you will learn:
How to take an ANTI-stretch approach to your tight QL muscle
What 3 exercises I think are best for a tight QL muscle
When you should apply trigger release or gentle massaging to the QL to maximize results


FREE BACK PAIN WORKOUT GUIDE ►► Pain-Free Training Blueprint: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today = http://www.fitness4backpain.com/painf...

FREE CHALLENGE ►► NEW 14-Day Core Strength Challenge. Build a stronger core and more stability around your spine without making your pain worse in the process! http://www.fitness4backpain.com/corec...

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