Lower Back Strengthening Exercises For Beginners | L4-L5 & L5-S1 Disc Injury SAFE

Have you been trying to strengthen your lower back, but due to your L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc injury, everything you do seems to cause more pain? If so this video will change your life!

►► FREE GUIDE: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today == www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

After rupturing my L5-S1 disc, I was in a world of pain for years, and everyone kept telling me to build strength in my core glutes and lower back. It didn't make sense because I had already been exercising and building strength in these areas for YEARS.

How on earth could I still be weak? When dealing with an L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc injury, you have to look at building strength in the lower back differently.

In today's training, I'll explain the biggest mistake you're making with exercise with an L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc herniation or bulge and what to do instead!



HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN GET MORE! ►► FREE GUIDE: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today == www.fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining

FREE FACEBOOK GROUP ►► Exercise For Back Pain Relief Community  https://www.facebook.com/groups/exerciseforbackpain

►► MIND BODY HEALING: I have been a user and supporter of the Curable app for years now, and it is one of the most recommended tools I will ever suggest to someone with chronic back pain. Try it FREE FOR 6 WEEKS to test it out for yourself. HTTP://www.curable.com/fitness4backpain


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