The Fitness 4 Back Pain Podcast

The Fitness 4 Back Pain Podcast

Hosted by: William Richards

The Fitness 4 Back Pain Podcast will expose the dead-end relief strategies the medical model is milking you for every penny you have and share hands-on strength, movement, and science-based relief strategies that have...

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EP 9: Back Pain And Sciatica From Sitting Too Much?: Start doing this today!

You may be in the gym lifting weights with good intentions of building a stronger, more resilient body, but if you're constantly leaving the gym in pain or paying for it later, you're just making things worse. ►► FREE...
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EP 8: The Worst Exercises You Can Do With Back Pain

You may be in the gym lifting weights with good intentions of building a stronger, more resilient body, but if you're constantly leaving the gym in pain or paying for it later, you're just making things worse. ►►...
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EP 7: How To Handle Intense Back Pain: My best FLARE-UP FIX!

Just when you think you're seeing progress a back pain flare-up comes out of nowhere and leaves you feeling like everything you've been doing is for nothing....IF THAT'S YOU, DO THIS!   ►► FREE GUIDE: How I used...
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EP 6: 4 Ways To Improve Your Workouts And Beat Back Pain

  Here's why your back always hurts after your workouts!  ►► FREE GUIDE: How I used exercise to cancel my back surgery after a ruptured L5-S1 disc and live chronic pain-free today ==...
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EP 5: Perfect Posture Is Bad For Back Pain: Here's Why

If you've been obsessing over perfect posture around the house, in the car, or at work, you could be making your back pain worse. I see people talking about how improved ergonomics with how we carry our body is the...
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EP 4: The Most Underrated Back Pain Relief Tool On Earth

When it comes to getting lasting back pain relief it's less about finding the new shiny exercise guaranteeing pain relief but learning to master the simple things in front of you. Most chronic back pain sufferers view...
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EP 3: Piriformis Syndrome: What is it and how to beat it without making it worse!

Piriformis Syndrome has always been a hot topic regarding lower back pain and a potential cause of sciatica-type symptoms. In some cases, when doctors don't know what's going on, and there doesn't seem to be any...
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EP 2: How To Make Back Pain Relief Stupid Simple

Let's make lasting back pain relief STUPID SIMPLE. Episode 2 of the Fitness 4 Back Pain podcast is going to cover the 3 most important elements of making lasting back pain relief ridiculously simple. Social media,...
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EP 1: Your Doctor Is Ruining Your Lower Back

If you want lasting relief from chronic low back pain, FIRE YOUR DOCTOR. If you've gone through the medical model for any amount of time for your low back pain, you already know your doctor's plan for you and your low...
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